Визит с научной целью в Университет Севильи

As a continuation of scientific collaboration between Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the University of Seville, which began two years ago, at 2012, Dr.Habilitat Valentin Oleschuk visited this University with research purposes during April – May 2014. Joint research with Spanish colleagues of multiphase power converters and electric drives has been executed during this period, and several joint publications in the field of power electronics have been prepared for peer-reviewed journals and refereed proceedings.

            As a majority of Western universities, University of Seville is connected directly with basic electronic libraries and global data-bases like IEEExplore and SCOPUS. So, this visit was also excellent opportunity to study and analyze big amount of new papers on the topic of our research (200-300 publications from 20-30 sources), and also to copy corresponding basic publications for colleagues from home Institute.

            Seville is very nice and attractive city for tourists, and it is especially visible during long-term (4-5 days) Easter and post-Easter holidays at April-May. Seville is also one of the oldest European cities. It is 2200 years old, and, in particular, very close to Seville ancient Italica  (archeological diamante of Europe) is situated, where famous Roman emperor Traian was born more than 2000 years ago.    


Valentin Oleschuk, d.h.s.t.